dependence, imported inputs, linkages indices.Abstract
This research aims to analyze the degree of dependence on imported inputs in the agricultural sector and natural resources intensive industry among 1995 and 2009. Another point is to analyze the spillovers capacity of these sectors in the economy through their indexes of linkages. To meet the objectives it has been used the input-output analysis, first calculating the direct and indirect requirements for import of each sector inputs and then classifying them according to their degree of external dependence. As for the chaining effect it has been calculated the Ghosh forward linkages indices and Rasmussen Hirschman backwardlinkages indices (RH). It was noted that the economy has dependence on foreign inputs related to the agricultural sector and that this sector has important linkages downstream in the production chain. As fornatural resources intensive industry results can be divided into two: (1) two of the four sectors of the mining industry have direct and indirect requirements for inputs imported above the average for the economy and the economy of the four shown dependent on imports three of them as inputs; and (2) the food industry shows up, in general, whether for import of inputs to produce, except for the processing of plant products sector, which goes from 2000 showing dependence on imported inputs, still, this industry was generally classified as dependent on inter-sectoral supply according to their linkages indices, producing linkages upstream in the supply chain.
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