Firm’s Absorptive Capacity, University–Industry Interactions, MeasureAbstract
The literature has highlighted contributions of university-enterprises interaction (UE) for the firm’s innovative performance, since when interacting the firm access and use external knowledge, expanding their ability to innovate. A key aspect for UE interaction results in innovations is the firm’s ability of the firm to absorb external knowledge. To advance in understanding the relationship between UE interaction and absorptive capacity (AC) is essential to understand how CA is measured. After a review of the literature between 2000 and 2012, three current studies were selected because of their adherence to the proposal discussion here and suggested measurement elements already empirically validated. Based on this, a framework for measuring was proposed, verified empirically in a survey research - held in 2013 with firms that had interaction with universities - and validated by the reliability analysis favorable results. The paper contributes by proposing a synthetic set of measuring absorptive capacity elements already validated empirically and points to progress towards a more specific proposal to the reality of firms that interact with universities and to include in the measures other two dimensions of firm’s absorptive capacity: the scientific and industrial.
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