Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.-
The contribution must be original and unseen, in both Portuguese or English, and not been evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in “Comments to the Editor”;
- All authors of the manuscript must be registered in the Journal's System, according to the instructions for submission;
- The documents requested in the “Documents” tab must be sent at the time of submission. Failure to present these documents implies rejection of the submission;
The manuscript must follow the style standards and requirements described in the Template. Citations and bibliographical references must comply with the norms of ABNT NBR 6023 and NBR10520;
The identification of authorship of the paper must be removed of the file and of the option Properties on Microsoft Word, thus ensuring the confidentiality criterion of the journal;
- The article contains a title, also in a foreign language, abstract and summary, and 3 to 6 keywords in portuguese or, in the case of text written in one of the other languages supported by the journal, in the original language and in portuguese;
- In the case of articles, the document has a maximum of 10,000 words. If the document is a review, it has a maximum of 2,000 words;
- The journal strongly recommends that the research dataset be submitted as a supplemental file;
- It is the responsibility of the author(s) to provide the grammatical and textual revision of their work before submitting it.
A revista Economia e Desenvolvimento aceita artigos que visem a promoção do debate acadêmico nas diversas temáticas (teóricas e empíricas) do desenvolvimento econômico, considerando a pluralidade teórica e metodológica que formam a Ciência Econômica.
A revista Economia e Desenvolvimento publica resenhas sobre as diversas temáticas (teóricas e empíricas) do desenvolvimento econômico.
Copyright Notice
The journal reserves the right of making changes in the originals in a normative order, orthographic and grammatical, with the objective of maintaining the language cult pattern, respecting the authors success. The final tests will not be sent to the authors. The published papers become the Economics and Development propriety. The opinions issued by the article’s authors are their own responsibility.
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The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services rendered by this publication, not being available to other purposes or to third parties.