Engraving and the Poetics of Multiple: Dialogues between a Creation Process Contemporary and Post Consumer Culture
Poéticas Contemporâneas, Gravura, Múltiplo, Real, Características Híbridas, Consumo.Abstract
This article presents a clipping of a theoretical-practical foundation in which the word-image “multiple” has established as one of the poetic arguments used in the authorial works of the artist-researcher Marcillene Ladeira. In this course, presents the engrave as a starting point - it is the language, as fed to the consensus of researchers originally reserved this conception. In addition to the process of plastic construction, there is painting and photography, retraction “the real” and submerging in hybrid characteristics. As a reference for artists and works, it has been using: Andy Warhol, with the works “Brillo Box” (1964) and “Campbell’s soup” (1964); Daniel Arsham, with “Eroded Brillo Box” (2019/2020). In terms of authors, we highlight Benjamin (1955), Costella (2006), Entler (2007), Catarxo (2012), Foster (2017). It maintains that multiple - understood as the possibility of reproduction “in a kind of assembly line” - allowed the establishment of fruitful dialogues of thought. In a reading of rapprochement with Pop, but in a different scope, the works in discourse move from the imaginary of consumption to post-consumption, whose poetics established between “art and the environment”, sustained by three key operational concepts: “liquidity”, “respect for nature” and “transience” as living beings. The dialogical relations established in the place of the exhibition have also evidenced as a personal strategy of production and singularity of this doing, under the aegis of the interphase: multiple-place-poetic.
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