O ser humano e o meio ambiente: crise sem saída?
Environment, pollution, glass- house effect, climateResumo
O presente trabalho apresenta uma revisão bibliográfica e opiniões sobre as intervenções do ser humano no meio ambiente e as suas conseqüências para a humanidade e o ecossistema. Foram abordados aspectos como o problema energético, o efeito estufa, o conteúdo de CO2, o papel dos oceanos e suas alterações, o ciclo do carbono, bem como princípios para redução do CO2, de oxidantes e do ozônio. Também foi enfocado a importância das florestas como redutor do CO2 e aspectos gerais pertinentes ao uso adequado do meio ambiente.
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BROWN-WEISS, E. Climate Change, Intergeneration Equity and International Law: Na Introductory Note; Climate Change, v.15, p.327-335, 1989.
DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY (DOE, Hg). Projecting the increasing carbono dioxide. Livermore, 1989.
DEUTSCHER BUNDESTAG Schutz der Erdatmosphare, eine internationale Herausforderung, 5/88, 1989.
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FONTE: SCHUURMANS, C.G.E. Changes in the atmosfheric compositions and climate: in Atmofpheric Ozone Research and Policy implications; Elsevier Science Publischers B.V., 1989.
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HOUGHTOON, R.A., WPPDWELL, G.M. Global Climatic Change, Scientific American, v.260, n.4, p.36-41.1989.
JAEGER, J. Developing Policies for Responding to Climatic Change. [s.l.:s.n.] 1988. A Summary of discussions and recomendations od the workshops held in Villach (1987) and Bellagio (1987) under the Auspices od the Beijier Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, WMO/TD, N° 225, World Metereologiacal Organization and United Nations Environment Programme.
KRIJGSHELD, K. R., ZWERVER, S. Risk Analysis and Evaluation for Development of Ozone Control Strategy. In:> USDUTCH-SYMPOSIUM, 3, 1989. Proc...[s.l.]. Eksevier Science Publischers, 1989.
LASHOF, D. A., TIRPAK, D.A. Policy Options for Stabililizing Global Climate. Excentive Summary. Darf Report to Congress U.S. Wachington, D.C.: Enviromental Protection Agency, Office of Policy Planing and Evaluation, 1989.
LEGGETT, J. Global Warming. Oxford University Press, 1990.
LIKENS, F.G. Some Aspects of Air Pollutant Effects on Terrestrial Ecosystems and Prospect for the Future. Ambio, v.18, n.3, 1989.
McFARLAN, M. Chlorfluorcarbons and Ozone. Environ. Sci., v.23, n.10, p.1-203, 1989.
NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL. Responding to Changes in Sea Level. Engineering Implications. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences, 1987. 148p.
RAMANATHAN, V. Climate – Chemical - Interactions and Effect of Changing Atmosphere; Trace gases. Review os Geophysics, n.25, p.1.441-1.482, 1987.
RAMANATHAN, V. Climate – Chemical = Interactions and Effect of Changing Atmosphere; Trace gases; Review of Geophysics, v.25, n. 1.482p., 1989.
ROY, C.R., GIES, H.P., ELLIOT, G. Ozon Depletion. Nature, v.347, n.20, 1990.
SCHNEIDER, St. H. The changing climate. Scientific American, v.260, n.9, 1989.
SCHUURMANS, C.G.E. Changes in the atmospheric compositions and climate. In: ATMOSPHERIC OZONE RESEARCH AND POLICY IMPLICATIONS. [s.l.]. Science Publischers, 1989.
STRONG, A.E. Greater global waeming revealed by satellite-ferived sea-surface-temperatur trends. Nature, v.338, n.6217, p.642-645, 1989.
TITUS, J. C. C.Z.M. Journal. v.1, n.3, 1989.
VELLINGA, P., LEATHERMAN, St. P. Sea leavel rise, Consequences and Policies. [s.l.:s.n.] 1989. (Climatic Change, 15).
WUEBLES, C. L., GRANT, K. E., CONNELL, P. S. et al. The role os Atmospheric Chemistry in Climate Change, IAPCA, January, n.1, v.39, 1989.
WUEBLES, D.J., GRANT, K.E., CONNELL, P.S., PENNER, J.E. The Role of Atmospheric Chemistry in Climate Change. IAPCA, v.39, n.1, 1989.
ZWALLY, H.J. GROWTH OF Greenland Ice Sheet. Interpretation, Science, v.246, n.22, p.1.589-1.591, 1989.
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