Restorative Adoption Circle: recognizing service possibilities within the scope of the Institutional Reception protection measure




circle, restorative, children, institutional reception


This article seeks to describe and analyze the practices carried out within the scope of the implementation of the institutional sheltering measure in a nucleus of residential shelters of the Special Protection Foundation of Rio Grande do Sul in partnership with the technical team of the Multidisciplinary Service Center - CAPM of Judiciary Branch of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. The practice called “Restorative” was carried out under the guidance of the principles and values ​​of Restorative Justice, respecting the other technical guidelines guided for approaches in this context, in the hope of fostering and strengthening the family ties of children who were in institutional care and the applicants to its adoption. With the use of this methodology, we perceive and recognize its potential to contribute to the inclusion, participation, construction and strengthening of the family ties of those involved.


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Author Biography

Fabiana Nascimento de Oliveira, Fundação de Proteção Especial do RS

Possui graduação em Serviço Social (2001), Mestrado (2007) e Doutorado (2015) em Serviço Social pela PUCRS. Foi servidora do Tribunal de Justiça do RS, onde participou do processo de implementação da Justiça Restaurativa no Estado do RS. Foi Diretora Técnica da Fundação de Proteção Especial do Rio Grande do Sul (2019 - 2022). Atualmente é Assistente Social da Fundação de Proteção Especial do Rio Grande do Sul e Diretora Técnica da Humanizar - Escola de Boas Práticas.


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Resolução nº. 2002/12, de 24.07.02. Recomenda princípios básicos para a utilização de Programas de Justiça Restaurativa em Matéria Criminal.



How to Cite

Nascimento de Oliveira, F. (2023). Restorative Adoption Circle: recognizing service possibilities within the scope of the Institutional Reception protection measure. Cadernos De Comunicação, 27(2).



Dossiê Temático: Acolhimento institucional de crianças e adolescentes