Fantasmas da televisão: o debate político sobre a tv digital no Congresso Nacional
Digital TV, Models of digital TV, Debate on digital TVAbstract
This article analyzes the political debate concerning to the implantation of the digital TV in Brazil, taking as reference the speech of Hélio Costa, Brazilian Secretary of Communications, at the public hearing of the Committee on Science, Technology, Com- munication and Computer Science, of the House of Representatives, realized in January 31, 2006. It considers that the Congress did an excellent job on the discussions about the subject, but did not exert any influence in the choice of the digital TV standard, sub- mitting itself to the Executive proposal that, on the other hand, accepted the project that benefits the TV entrepreneurs. The article evidences that three topics causes fear to the Brazilian television companies: 1) the possibility of a new legislation for the broadcasting sector; 2) the increase of competition; and 3) the end of "broadcast", the diffusion system used by radio and television.
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