Transparências: a essência da técnica nada tem de técnico mas de humano


  • Conceição Lopes



Technique, Tecnoscience, Human


Some silence and darkness as in movie theaters before the show begins. To think-write-read-question, to live in this estar-aqui, in the meanwhile with the one who reads-thinks-questions and more with the one who rejects and accepts brings forth new doubts. Before our eyes will be Heidegger (1986) and Hottois (1992). Two basic texts guide the path of questioning thought around pertinence, in actuality, of the thinking on Heidegger's essence of technique and Hottois' bioethical paradigm on tecnoscience. Along them is the pretension to comprehensively approach the reality of the world of human artifice.


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Author Biography

Conceição Lopes

PhD and professor at the Department of Communication and Art at the University of Aveiro Portugal.


HEIDEGGER, M. La Question de la Technique. In: Essais er Conférences. Paris: s.e., 1986

HEIDEGGER, M. Carta sobre o humanismo. s.l.: Guimarães Editores, 1973

HEIDEGGER, M. Introdução à Metafísica. Biblioteca Tempo Universitário. Rio de Janeiro: Tempo Brasileiro, 1987

HEIDEGGER, M. Já só um Deus nos pdoe Salvar. In: Filosofia, V. III, n° 1,1989. p.109-135

HEIDEGGER, M. Le Tournant, Questions IV. Paris: Gallimard, 1991. p.140-157

TECNO-LÓGICAS, Revista de Comunicação e Linguagens, Porto (Portugal), 1986.

STEINER, George. As Ideias de Heidegger. São Paulo: Cultrix, 1982.



How to Cite

Lopes, C. (2024). Transparências: a essência da técnica nada tem de técnico mas de humano. Animus.Inter-American Journal of Media Communication, 5(1).



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