Minorias Flutuantes. Novos aspectos da contra-hegemonia





Minority, Hegemony, Anti-hegemonically


Considering the qualitative concept of minority as a position settled in the inner ofthe fight for hegemony, that is, by consensual domination. Iden-tifications namedas “women”, “Black people”, etc, are minorities as they arise anti-hegemonicallyand make resurge the happening in what it can have as unique and sharp. Floatingminotiries are those in the scope of a new social activism, caracterized by theassociation of ephemeral communities and the cyberspace.


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Author Biography

Raquel Paiva, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Professor at the School of Communication and coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Communication and Culture at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. She is Secretary General of the National Association of Postgraduate Programs in Communication - COMPÓS


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How to Cite

Paiva, R. (2024). Minorias Flutuantes. Novos aspectos da contra-hegemonia. Animus.Inter-American Journal of Media Communication, 1(2). https://doi.org/10.5902/2175497790269



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