Ciência e influência digital: análise do papel de divulgadores científicos na disseminação de informações sobre a Covid-19 em plataformas digitais
Disinformation; Influencers; Covid-19; Scientific divulgation; Platforms.Abstract
In a pandemic scenario, alternative voices have occupied the public space in the search to reduce the chaos caused by disinformation, through scientific dissemination. This study seeks to investigate the role of these disseminators and analyzes the possibility of considering them as digital influencers. Methodologically, the article starts from the analysis of five profiles of scientists pointed out by the study of the organization Science Pulse and the Brazilian Institute of Research and Data Analysis (IBPAD) in the period from January 4th to 14th, 2021. From a theoretical point of view, the article analyzes the specific characteristics of the work of scientific disseminators and their capacity for digital influence, in addition to the role of platforms in the dissemination of this information, as environments and agents of this process. The reading of the 1,176 tweets analyzed in this study shows the constant search for clearly informing, reducing the noise of the network conversation in a complex historical moment and explaining content originally written in technical and academic language to a wide audience. The analysis shows that these intellectuals have a positive influence on public conversation, help decisively in combating disinformation and help to reduce the chaos of opinions. We also see the central role of platforms in this process and a continuity between the roles known as that of the public intellectual, the scientific disseminator and the digital influencer.
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