Evaluation of Text Mining Methods Applied to The Detection of Brazilian Electoral Fake News
Eleições, Experimentação, Fake NewsAbstract
The evolution of the media has contributed to the spread of false news, especially after the emergence of digital social networks. The speed with which this news spread made it impossible to manually check this huge amount of data. In this context, work in several areas has been carried out in order to try to minimize the damage caused by the proliferation of socalled fake news. The objective of this work is to evaluate the effectiveness of the most used methods to check correspondence of texts, in the context of detecting false news, based on the Brazilian presidential elections of 2018, as well as making a comparison with the results of the US election. 2016, published in the literature. Additionally, an overview of the fake news by followers of each candidate is presented. A controlled experiment was planned and executed to compare the effectiveness of the selected methods. The TF-IDF and BM25 methods stood out in this context, having, statistically and respectively, similar averages of Accuracy (79,86% and 79,00%), Precision (79,97% and 78,76%), Sensitivity (78,97% and 76,05%) and Measure-F1 (79,47% and 77,38%). The effectiveness was similar to that of the North American context, in which the BM25 achieved an Accuracy of 79,99%. Furthermore, considering the universe of checked news available, the analyzed period and a margin of error of 3,5%, it was evident that fake news were disclosed by both sides and that followers of the candidate Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) were responsible for 62,25% of tweets related to fake news, against 37,75% of followers of candidate Fernando Haddad (PT). With regard to accounts deleted from the social network in a short time, 59,96% were followers of the PSL candidate and 40,04% of followers of the PT candidate. The dissemination of fake news does not always imply intention, and may only imply greater engagement by some followers.
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