About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Inter-American Journal of Media Communicationacts as a mediation field of texts that approach communication for their instances from production to consumption. The communication phenomenon is considered a transforming agent of the social and cultural ambiences, regulating the configuration of media devices and conditioning the discursive formation. The journal's field of activity includes articles thatshow these concerns and seek to extend the analyses in their empirical objects, as well asto apply and expand the theoretical discussions that may show new perspectives on media and current social transformations. Its focus is guided by research aspects of contemporary identities and of strategic communication, both orbiting the media space. Animus is electronically published in the months of July and December. It receives articles, reviews and interviews of Brazilian and foreign authors. The articles published in the journal must be original, i.e., they must not have been previously published in a journal or a book, however, their divulgation at annals of scientific eventsdoes not exhaust the character of originality, for it is a format recognized as paper in progress.

Peer Review Process

Animus receives contributions from professors and PhD researchers and doctoral students in Communication and related areas.Submissions from masters and master’s students will be assessed as long as they are co-authored with a doctor. The articles submitted to Animus must be original and follow the author guidelines. Allreceived texts will be pre-evaluated by the Editorial Board, which will verify the compliance of the material to the journal's editorial proposal. The articles are submitted to the peer review system, reviewed by at least two Ad Hoc referees, selected by the editors and taking into account the affinity of areas. The authors will be notified onthe acceptance or rejection of the article, always accompanied by the anonymous opinions about their text. In the case of changes in the articlesbeing requested, the authors will be notified and will have 15 days to perform the reformulations.

Publication Frequency

Animus has a biannual periodicity and it is published online until the last day of each half-year.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Mission and Objetives

Mission: The mission of Animus.Inter-American Journal of Media Communication of the UFSM states in the respect of contributing to the increase of academic debate. Its scientific activity is made explicit in the publication of scientific articles related to conceptual and empirical research in the sub-area of Communication and its specialties, according to the CNPq knowledge tree. The journal also recognizes the guidelines issued by the Committee on Communication, Information and Museology of CAPES.

Objectives: The objectives of Animus.Inter-American Journal of Media Communication of the UFSMare to contribute to the advancement and dissemination of scientific knowledge through the publication, by electronic means of: a) conceptual and empirical research reports in the form of scientific papers, covering subjects in the sub-area communication and itsspecialties; b) scientific articles of national origin from different regions of Brazil and international from any country when written in the languages accepted for publication; c) presentation of thematic dossiers, bringing the contribution of experts in their respective fields; d) edition of thematic dossiers by Brazilian and foreign researchers of recognized competence in the subject.

Evaluation Flow of the Articles

The journal Animus informs the evaluation flow of the articles submitted to the system:

Phase 1: Submission of originals via SEER system / Format your article according to the journal template / Template of the Animus Journal(download the template in .doc format) / Access the link below and fill in the required fields/ http://cascavel.ufsm.br/revistas/ojs-2.2.2/index.php/animus/author/submit/1

Phase 2: Selection of articles / Internal evaluation conducted by the editorial team of the animus journal in order to verify if the original has already been published, if it presents the thematic focusof the journal, ifit meets the submission rules, adequacy to the template as well as the rules adopted for the standardization of articles (ABNT, NBR). / If the article is in violation of any of these criteria the author will be asked to make changes before it is sent for evaluation (phase 3). Therefore,this contact does not presuppose that the article has been approved for publication and the final decision will be made effective during the phase of peer review.

Phase 3: Sending the selected originals for peer review / In this phase, the texts are sent to two evaluators and they can be approved with restrictions or rejected. In case of conflicting opinions, the text will be sent to a third evaluator.

Phase 4: Contact with the authors for possible changes and editorial decision regarding the approval or rejection of the article.

Journal History

Animus, Inter-American Journal of Media Communication, was established in 2002 by the Department of Communication Sciences of the Federal University of Santa Maria, through its Multimedia Publishing Center - NEdMídia. Since then it maintains its periodicity regularly. In 2005, with the creation of the Postgraduate Program in Communication, it began to rely on a team of Brazilian and foreign consultants linked to the program. It relies on invited editors for special editions of dossiers. Since 2008 it began to rely on other institutional support of the UFSM through the Public NoticePró-revistas. In 2010 it began to be developed in the Pública,Laboratory of Research and Production of Scientific Publications.Since 2012, it has had a B1 classification in the 2015 Qualis-Capes.

The Animus Journal is indexed in DOAJ, LatinIndex, MIAR, ESJIndex.org, CiteFactor, REDIBE, EZ3, ResearchBib, LatinRev, Sumários.Org e Diadorim – Diretório de Políticas Editoriais das Revistas Científicas Brasileira