Novas possibilidades para o ensino da língua materna


  • Denise Jorgens Universidade de Cruz Alta


Mots-clés :

Close Developing Zone, Learning, Interaction


Vygotsky proposes the teacher to be an instrument to the knowledge searching, interacting with the student, making the most of the knowledge he brings to the classroom, and giving opportunity to the student developing through his thinking and his capacity, that he learns searching the answers, building his information through the elements given in class, getting to think the content with his reality. In this sense, it was verified the importance to develop on the student his communication abilities, mainly on the Portuguese Language classes, proportioning a cooperative ambient, through the information exchange, in order to participate on the educational process.


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Biographie de l'auteur

Denise Jorgens, Universidade de Cruz Alta

Possui graduação em LETRAS - PORTUGUÊS/INGLÊS pela Universidade de Cruz Alta (2006) e especialização em Linguística e Ensino da Língua. -Professora de Língua Inglesa nas séries finais do Ensino Fundamental na Rede Pública.


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Comment citer

Jorgens, D. (2017). Novas possibilidades para o ensino da língua materna. Linguagens & Cidadania, 9(1).