The importance of implanting city archives: case study of the City of Dilermando de Aguiar Government (RS)
Dilermando de Aguiar (RS). Municipal Executive. Public Archive.Abstract
This study sought, through a study carriedout at the Municipality of Dilermando de Aguiar, to verify which aspects may motivate the implementation of municipal public archives. In order to develop this study it was necessary to verify the archival reality of the Municipality of Dilermando de Aguiar, in order to understand the possible factors that will support the process of creating a municipal archive. Por esse meio foi possível alcançar os seguintes resultados: Present the perception of the representative of the executive power regarding the municipal archives, as well as through an interview with this one identify how the documentation produced and guarded in the institution is found; To show in detail the conditions for the preservation of file in the prefecture, which stores the documentation of secondary value and; demonstrate the necessary archival demands and that may influence the implementation of a formally established municipal public archive, as well as to report the existing obstacles to the construction of the same. With this research one can conclude that with the lack of trained professionals and an adequate environment to receive the documents, the archive of the Municipality of Dilermando de Aguiar does not receive a coherent archival treatment. However, it was achieved through the punctuated demands to motivate the creation of a public archive for the county. There is a long way to go, but this has already begun from the moment when the interest of the municipal executive in seeing this situation was noticedDownloads
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