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The Twenty-First Century - Review of Social Sciences is a semiannual publication of the Graduate Program in Social Sciences at the Center for Social and Human Sciences, Federal University of Santa Maria. Its editorial policy covers publication of unpublished works of the social sciences in the form of articles, reviews and communications research with academic and social relevance.
eral de Santa Maria. Its editorial policy covers publication of unpublished works of the social sciences in the form of articles, reviews and research communications
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We encourage libraries to list this journal among their library of electronic journals. This publishing system is also designed to be hosted and operated by research libraries to support the work of publishing magazines faculty. For more information about the Electronic System for Journal Publishing - SEER / Open Journal Systems - OJS, and the management and publishing of peer-reviewed journals see Public Knowledge Project.
The Twenty-First Century - Review of Social Science is a biannual publication of the Graduate Program in Social Sciences at the Center for Social and Human Sciences, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Its editorial policy covers publication of unpublished works of the social sciences in the form of articles, reviews and communications research with scientific and social relevance.
The Twenty-First Century - Review of Social Science is a biannual publication of the Graduate Program in Social Sciences at the Center for Social and Human Sciences, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Its editorial policy covers publication of unpublished works of the social sciences in the form of articles, reviews and communications research with scientific and social relevance.