A lighthouse for Brazil
Dominant fractions of agriculture in São Paulo and the creation of the SRB
Agribusiness, elites, Domination, Brazilian Rural Society, Rural patronageAbstract
This work aims to contribute to the analysis of the political action of elites and dominant classes in the Brazilian countryside. Specifically, we seek to understand the hegemonic affirmation of dominant fractions of agriculture in São Paulo over time. To this end, we will analyze the emergence and initial organization of the Brazilian Rural Society (SRB), considering its internal composition, the profile of its leaders and the forms of action triggered by the entity in that context. Even though it has a national epithet, this century-old entity was created in 1919 in the state of São Paulo, being composed mainly of sectors of the agricultural elite of this state. The research is methodologically based on documentary analysis, field notebooks and semi-structured interviews. The political processes developed by the Brazilian Rural Society in the context under analysis help to project these dominant fractions of agriculture and agroindustry in São Paulo as an intellectual and moral direction of the class over time. This helped in the political construction of Brazilian agribusiness, highlighting the protagonism of São Paulo as a source of leaders of this model at a national level, such as the sector's intelligentsia in Brazil.
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