Transforming Florianópolis into a creative city in fact: discursive articulations around the creative economy network in the city of Florianópolis
Creative Economy, Culture, Creativity, Political Theory of DiscourseAbstract
This article aims to outline reflections on the contribution of political discourse theory to analyze the discursive field of the Creative Economy in Florianópolis. In view of this, we sought to use some central categories of the political theory of discourse, such as discourse, logic of difference, logic of equivalence, empty signifier, hegemony and antagonism to look at the city's Creative Economy Network. From this, it was possible to understand the network as a discourse, or even, in the terms of Laclau and Mouffe (2015), as an organized system of differences that seeks to fill space and consolidate itself hegemonically in the field of discursiveness of the creative economy in Florianópolis. A discourse that articulates a series of distinct identities that suspend their differences in favor of a common political project that seeks to give meaning to the creative economy.
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