Criminal subjection: the concept from the perspective of deviant behavior and stigma
Criminality, Deviante behavior, Stigma, Criminal SubjectionAbstract
This article addresses the evolution of scientific production on the Brazilian criminal panorama, focusing on sociological variables to understand the constantly changing criminal phenomenon. Before exploring the causes of criminality, it is crucial to define criminal behaviors. The text analyzes the concept of criminal subjection by Michel Misse, incorporating contributions from Howard Becker and Erving Goffman on deviant behavior and stigma. The research revisits Misse's work, highlighting convergences and adapting it to Brazilian sociological theory. Using news from portals and social networks, the article correlates events with conceptual revision. By connecting ideas from North American and Brazilian authors, the study offers a sociological theory applicable to deviant behaviors, stigma, and criminality in the Brazilian context. The interactionist approach seeks to understand criminality in Brazilian society, enriching the analysis with information pertinent to the social context. The result is a singular epistemological production about the Brazilian scenario.
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