Division and omission: an analysis of fatherhood in Rio de Janeiro
Fatherhood, Caregiving, Masculinities, GenderAbstract
Involving men in gender equity it’s one of the priorities to achieve nonviolent gender relations. A lot of initiatives in public policy and research fields have been prioritized in an effort to understand men’s practices in taking care, raising children and the results of a stronger participation in their children’s lives. Some of the research in that field has pointed out that men’s commitment leads to improvement not only in their health, but also, the partner’s and children’s health. In that perspective, we have analyzed the results of a research executed by Instituto Promundo, in Rio de Janeiro, in 2015, focused in what type of caregiving activities men are usually more present and if it is possible to establish patterns and ranks to fatherhood. The method to define the types of paternity was factor analysis, from the extraction of principal components and cluster analysis.
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