Historic town, university city: uses of cultural heritage and student residence of Ouro Preto, MG
Urban culture, Social practices, Cultural heritage, Student fraternities, Public spaceAbstract
The Historical Town of Ouro Preto it known for its significant cultural heritage that represents manifestations of national identity. Since the founding of the School of Mines in 1876, heritage was transformed into student republics that conforms the public sociability spaces through ritual practices, festive and formal of students. This article aims to analyze the relationship between historical heritage, its preservation and innovation of uses through student practices in the spaces of the republics. The research was carried out from the direct observation in order to understand the daily life inside the republics, as well as in the streets and spaces of student sociability. In addition to bibliographical and historical research, photographic records, interviews and informal conversations were performed during the field. It proposed discuss how the use of spaces of the “Historic Town”, appropriate for the heritage preservation actions for the development of tourist economy, are reappropriated for the sociocultural practices that demarcate the places of the “University City”. What if concludes is that the socio-spatial inscription of these practices print to the everyday urban life of Ouro Preto a dissonant, conflictive and plural public space.
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