To inhabit, to narrate and to construct: the modern house in the biographical narratives of its residents
Modern house, Memory, Biographical narrative, InhabitantsAbstract
This article intends to analyze the narratives of a clientele regarding their experience of inhabiting modern houses. Desiring to inhabit on spaces adapted to the new aesthetic guidelines of their time, these clients commanded, between the late 1940s and early 1960s, the construction of their residences to architects emerging in the artistic scene of São Paulo. Permeated by tensions and ambiguities, the chronicles describing the process of building and the daily life in these houses are a precious source for discussing the expectations arising from new social and spatial patterns. Between an apology of the architectural vanguardism and the misfortunes resulting from living in unconventional houses, these memories give access to the imaginary of these inhabitants and to the motivations that led them to undertake these projects and the disappointments. These stories also reveal poignant details about their daily lives, which reveal a set of social properties that can be linked to positions of class, gender, and age, as well as the differences in aesthetic and political positions of those engaged in this search for social the differentiation.
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