The care as research subject in the knowledge production on public policy for aging.
Care, aging, bibliometry, knowledge production, public policies.Abstract
This article analyzes the care in knowledge production on public policies for aging, through a bibliometric exercise. It was selected articles published in journals collection of SciELO electronic library, from 1994 to 2017. The data are related to 29 articles, written by 85 authors and published in 15 journals distributed in three areas of knowledge (Health Sciences, Human Sciences, and Applied Social Sciences) and qualified in Sociology area in CAPES. As a result, most of the publications are in the Health area and result from theoretical-empirical investigations, carried out by women, in the following themes: care in the long-term institutions, care in Nursery, family care/caregivers, increasing in the number of caregivers, invisibility of the elderly and caregivers, and care at the end of life and self-care. In conclusion, we stress the feminization of aging, care, and knowledge production on care as well as the importance of effective public policies for aging with quality.Downloads
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