Emotional languages of war and Peace: spiritism projects for the Culture of Peace.
“culture of peace”, mission, labor, secular and religious projects.Abstract
In Rio de Janeiro, in the last decades, secular and religious projects were developed as alternatives for promoting a Culture of Peace. This article presents an account of the articulations made by a group of several victims’ relatives affected by urban violence. The group forms a Spiritism network, with its own means of expression and peace practices that reject the war, hatred and vengeance. Death and suffering are interwoven in these people’s lives, prompting a circuit of emotions in different dimensions. The data presented is the result of a PhD research carried out between 2010 and 2014 at the Postgraduate Program in Social Sciences at the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Here are narrated stories from families whose children were violently murdered, and, after contact with psychographed messages, they started to look for peace, benevolence and forgiveness, thus making new senses for loss. Spiritism projects which promote the handling of mourning by means of labor and mission as categories are central to the process of construction and maintenance of that family network, supported in different planes – spiritual and material.
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Bibliografia Espírita utilizada como fonte:
LEITE, R. H. Policiais de Volta. Lorena/SP, 2011.
XAVIER, F. C. Nosso Lar. Brasília, 2014.
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