Dams in the Ribeira de Iguape: development projects and risks for sustainable development
Quilombo remnants, Dams, Developmental policies, Territorial and cultural rights, MediationAbstract
Since the 1960’s, four hydraulic power stations are to be built at river Ribeira de Iguape, by Votorantim Corporation. Considered necessary to increase regional development, these dams are presented as good to the growth of job offer. So, they are stressing social struggles that, for more than four decades, are characterized by land regularization and agrarian reform issues, and added by environmental issues and recognition policies according to Federal Constitution’s article n. 68. This text’s aim is to understand how a social movement of those threatened by dams, and new political networks, have come to equate the risks brought by dams and dialogue in political field. So, this article presents fieldwork results from quilombola territories located in the middle course of the river, and amongst agencies which work there. Analytical approach focuses mediation practices and discourses, and conflicting interests negotiation through observation of how distinct agents translate developmental discourse considering local expectations and claims for job, social and agricultural policies.Downloads
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