Democracy, inequality and corruption: an analysis of the democratic quality in latin america.


  • Maria Salete Souza de Amorim Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA)



Latin America, quality of democracy, economic indicators, inequality, corruption.


The debate on democracy and its quality have expanded in recent years, since most of the world countries have adopted democratic regime. Given the importance of this topic, this article aims to contribute to the discussions and studies on the quality of democracy in Latin America, a region which faces a set of political, economic and social problems and challenges in its recent democratic experience. Through a descriptive analysis of data, the aim is to analyze democracy quality indicators, socio-economic indicators and perception of corruption related to Mercosur countries, so as to establish relations between Latin American democracy reality and the current literature. It was observed that despite the consolidation of democratic procedures, democracies are characterized as hybrid, in which high levels of inequality and political corruption are present.


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How to Cite

Amorim, M. S. S. de. (2015). Democracy, inequality and corruption: an analysis of the democratic quality in latin america. Século XXI: Journal of Social Sciences, 5(2), 80–108.