Sexualities and gender regimes on the local implementation of social policies


  • Ana Cecília Gaitán Universidad de Buenos Aires – UBA, Buenos Aires, D.F.



social policies, young motherhood, sexuality, institutional gender regimes, ethnographic approach.


Regardless the theoretical perspectives that had understood the State as a homogeneous scene or a mere organ of social control and repression, this paper recovers those studies that attempt give an account of the complex reconfigurations of state´s involvement in social life, to enlighten some state regulations on young motherhood. Based on the analysis of the implementation of two social policies in an excluded neighborhood of Greater Buenos Aires, Argentina, it examines sexualized dimension of the contemporary state interventions on young mothers. Retrieving the ethnographic approach and the feminist contributions on the State, focusing/focused on the microsocial practices, this article gives account on how the interactions between state agents and the addressees/beneficiaries/targets, which are deployed in the implementation of both social policies, generate different institutional genders regimes, in the same territory.


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Author Biography

Ana Cecília Gaitán, Universidad de Buenos Aires – UBA, Buenos Aires, D.F.

Doctoranda en Antropología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Becaria de Posgrado Tipo I otorgada por El Consejo de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas – CONICET para desarrollar su tesis de doctorado. Becaria en el Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios de Género – IIEGE de la Universidad de Buenos Aires – UBA y en el Programa de Estudios Sociales en Infancias y Juventud de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín – UNSAM; Antropóloga de la Universidad de Buenos Aires – UBA, Buenos Aires, D.F., Argentina.




How to Cite

Gaitán, A. C. (2014). Sexualities and gender regimes on the local implementation of social policies. Século XXI: Journal of Social Sciences, 4(2), 300–324.