About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The Século XXI: Journal of Social Sciences is a biannual publication of the Postgraduate Program in Social Sciences at the Center for Social and Human Sciences of the Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM, Brazil. His editorial policy contemplates the dissemination of scientific research in the social sciences (sociology, anthropology, and political science) in the form of articles, reviews and communications of research with scientific and social relevance. Its target audience consists of professors, researchers and postgraduate students in the social sciences. His articles are original and can be published in English, Portuguese, Spanish and French. The papers submitted for publication are evaluated by ad hoc reviewers from outside the Federal University of Santa Maria.
Peer Review Process
The process of evaluation of the submissions will follow the following steps:
1st.) The manuscript or review, submitted to the Século XXI will initially be evaluated by its editors or thematic number organizers, when applicable, who will appreciate the text in view of its relevance to the journal's editorial policy, which assumes compliance with the conditions for and guidelines for authors described on your site. More specifically, it will be evaluated the adherence of the manuscript to the area of social sciences circumscribed to sociology, anthropology and political science, as well as its software analysis of plagiarism detection, self plagiarism or article republishing, since all submissions must be unpublished. This evaluation will be done according to the protocol for good practices in scientific publications defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). In this first stage, the manuscript may be accepted or rejected, and this evaluation does not provide for the issuance of the critical review, but only its qualification for the second evaluation stage;
2nd.) The second stage consists in evaluating the merit of the manuscript by two ad hoc and external referees to the institution that publishes this scientific jounal, always observing the double blind criterion. Compliance with academic and scientific standards regarding content and quality of contributions will be assessed by ad hoc referees according to the evaluation form sheet available to the referees in the journal's electronic publishing system. If there is a discrepancy between the evaluations prepared by ad hoc referees, the article will be sent to a third referee, always ensuring double blind. In these terms, the evaluation may consider the article: a) approved; b) conditionally approved, provided that the reformulation indicated by the referees; if the required revisions are extensive the manuscript should be submitted for a new evaluation round; or, c) refused for publication. Authors will be informed about texts not accepted for publication. Finally, it is required from authors interested in the publication of their article in the Século XXI the commitment that their article is original and that it was not submitted for publication simultaneously in other scientific journals or issues of the genre.
3rd.) In the third stage, the article is reviewed and edited by the scientific editors who observe the structure, content and form of the work and also can indicate changes if they deem it necessary. At this stage, when the text is conditionally approved, the scientific editors also assess whether the changes made by the author (s) meet the recommendations or conditions indicated in the critical review. In case of non-compliance with the recommendations contained in the critical reviews issued by the referees, the article will not be published.
Publication Frequency
The Século XXI - Journal of Social Sciences is a biannual publication with receipt of articles for evaluation in continuous flow.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate and free access to all its content following the principle that provide free the results of scientific research to the public interested not only promotes its primary purpose that is to stimulate discussion and academic dialogue, but also contributes to a greater democratization of knowledge.
Code of Ethics and Good Scientific Practice
All articles evaluated in the first stage of the Século XXI evaluation process will be submitted to plagiarism test, self plagiarism or republishing (publication as unpublished material of already published texts) through its analysis by plagiarism detection software.
Possible cases of bad practice will be examined and decided by the Editorial Commitee of the journal according to the protocol for good practices in publications defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (https://publicationethics.org).
The opinions expressed in signed articles and the integrity of the content of the articles are the sole responsibility of their authors.
Declaration of Co-authorship
When an article submitted for evaluation has more than one author, each co-author must complete a declaration containing:
a) Title of the article and order of the co-authors;
b) Co-author's name: full name without abbreviations, academic degree, institution where he / she has taken the master's degree and / or doctorate, institutional affiliation, stricto-sensu postgraduate program to which he / she is attached, position, email address, access url Curriculum Vitae, ORCID ID number, professional or residential address.
c) Specification of collaboration:
i) in the design and structure of research;
ii) in the collection, revision and processing of primary and / or secondary data;
iii) in the discussion, analysis and interpretation of said data;
iv) detailing their collaboration in the drafting of the final text;
d) Declaration of approval of the final version of the article, assuming the ethical and scientific co-responsibility for the integrality of its content.
e) Place, date and signature;
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The Editorial Committee of the Século XXI reserves the right to accept or not the condition of co-author for the respective participants thus declared.
Sources of Support
- Pró-Reitoria de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa
- Programa Especial de Incentivo às Revistas Científicas - “Pró-Revistas”