Job satisfaction versus accounting results: case study in a credit union
satisfação no trabalho, cooperativa de crédito, desempenho econômico e financeiroAbstract
The present study aimed to verify the level of job satisfaction and whether it is correlated with the accounting result reached. A quantitative and descriptive methodology was used, with data collection through questionnaire application, in a credit cooperative, with the participation of 102 respondents. The participants gave a score between 1 and 7 for each of the questions, where the score from 1 to 3 goes from very dissatisfied to dissatisfied, note 4 indicates that the question is indifferent, it would be the balance between being satisfied or dissatisfied and finally, grades 5 to 7 correspond from satisfied to very satisfied. The results indicate that, in terms of level of satisfaction, the results show that, in general, employees are satisfied, since most of the answers are concentrated in notes 6 and 7. It is noticed that the dimensions "Relation with Colleagues "," Leadership "and" Nature of Work "there is greater satisfaction when compared to the dimensions of" Salaries "and" Promotions ". As to "Salaries", only 9.6% of the scores were concentrated in the highest grade. Regarding the correlation, the results were not significant, evidencing the non-relation between the Level of Satisfaction and the Economic and Financial Performance.
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