Cooperation and rural women: the experiences of an agro-industrial cooperative in Western Paraná




Cooperation, Woman, Empowerment


The initiatives taken by an Agroindustrial Cooperative in Western Paraná with women members aim to establish solid foundations, based on the principles of cooperative education, training and information. Within this context, the present study set out to: describe the actions promoted by this agro-industrial cooperative in Western Paraná with rural women and analyze how these actions contribute to female integration and participation in the cooperative, from the perspective of members, wives, daughters and granddaughters of members involved. These actions are designed as means of encouraging and facilitating women's participation within the cooperative. To achieve the objectives outlined in this study, a methodological approach was adopted, which consisted of a descriptive and documentary review and, subsequently, the application of a questionnaire aimed at cooperative members, wives, daughters and granddaughters of cooperative members. The results obtained allowed us to understand the actions that the cooperative carries out and how these initiatives lead rural women to be more active in the cooperative and on the property.



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Author Biographies

Lorrayne Fernandes Catorino, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná

Graduada em Secretariado Executivo Trilíngue pela Unioeste - PR.

Carla Maria Schmidt, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná

Post-doctorate from FURB (2014). PhD in Administration from FEA/USP - University of São Paulo (2010). Master in Administration from FURB (2006). Graduated in Executive Secretariat from the State University of Western Paraná (2003). Currently, she is an Associate Professor at the State University of Western Paraná, teaching the Trilingual Executive Secretariat Course. Leader of the GPSEB Research Group. Coordinator of the Center for Studies and Innovative Practices in Secretariat (NEPIS). Coordinator of Research and Extension Projects. Founding member of the Brazilian Association for Research in Secretariat (ABPSEC), where she is serving for the third time in management positions. She has experience in teaching in Stricto Sensu and Lato Sensu, as she worked for many years in teaching and supervising Master's, Doctorate and Specialization Programs at Unioeste. She has experience and research interests in the areas of Secretarial and Management with an emphasis on studies on Cooperation, Female Entrepreneurship, Scientific Research and Sustainability.


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How to Cite

Catorino, L. F., & Schmidt, C. M. (2024). Cooperation and rural women: the experiences of an agro-industrial cooperative in Western Paraná. Revista De Gestão E Organizações Cooperativas, 11(22), e88020.



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