Cooperativism and work generation in the municipality of Turvo/SC
Cooperativism, Job generation, Cooperatives, Non-cooperative sectorAbstract
Global cooperativism has great socioeconomic significance, with 1.2 billion members, 280 million jobs created, and 3 million cooperatives present in 150 countries. The great importance of cooperativism has not been enough to alleviate the serious problems caused by the concentration of income and wealth worldwide. In an attempt to combat the ills of social inequalities and labor exploitation, the International Labor Organization (ILO) developed the concept of decent work, as a strategy to alleviate the perverse effects of precarious work and social inequalities. Given this context, the objective of the article is to analyze the jobs generated by cooperatives, in the light of the concept of decent work, in Turvo/SC, from 2005 to 2020. The research was carried out in bibliographic sources and in data collection at RAIS (Annual List of Social Information), in addition to information provided by the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) and Atlas Brazil. The results show that cooperatives are present in the main economic activities of the city, and the work generated by cooperatives is more qualified, when compared to non-cooperative companies. Although there are challenges to be overcome, such as: women have better salary levels when compared to the non-cooperative sector and occupy almost half of the jobs generated in the researched cooperatives, wage inequalities in relation to men’s earnings still remain.
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