Technical assistance and rural extension at Cooperativa Tritícola Sepeense Ltda (Cotrisel) – Restinga Sêca unit
Cooperativa, Cooperativismo, Inovação, Revisão sistemática da literaturaAbstract
Cooperatives are described as instituitions where the cooperative member is both owner and user of the enterprise. In this sense, they must work towards a common good and at the same time must equally share the responsabilities, leftovers and benefits made available by their business. The objective of this study is to describe the policy of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) of the Cooperativa Tritícola Sepeense Ltda – Cotrisel, at Restinga Sêca unit, established in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul, how this activity has been developed and what its importance for the cooperative. The results allow us to conclude that the ATER activity has been developed satisfactorily by Cotrisel, but it faces some challanges to be overcome over the next few years.
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