Reverse logistics as environmental practice in an agroindustrial cooperative
Logística reversa, Embalagens de agrotóxicos, Práticas ambientais, Cooperativa AgroindustrialAbstract
The agricultural activity generates solid residues, among which pesticide packaging stands out. In this context, this work aims to analyze the process of reverse logistics of pesticide packaging. The study has a qualitative nature, of a descriptive character, through a case study, in an agro-industrial cooperative. Data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews and secondary data with the analysis of documents, and internal controls, for later data triangulation. The main contribution of this study resides in the description of a flow which can be used by other cooperatives and agents of the reverse logistics process for pesticide packaging. For the success of the reverse logistics of empty pesticide packaging, it is essential that the responsibility is shared, and the final destination of pesticide packaging is a complex procedure that requires the effective participation of all agents involved.
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