Cooperativism in organic Agriculture in Brazil: contributions of Chayanov
Cooperativism, Organic farming, Family farming, Agricultural censusAbstract
This paper aims to analyze how cooperativism has contributed to the rapid expansion of organic production in Brazil. To this end, we seek theoretical support in the writings of Alexander Chayanov to support cooperativism as a fruitful social organization for the development of this way of doing agriculture. The methodology used consisted of analysis of secondary data from the 2006 and 2017 IBGE Agricultural Census. The results show a numerically significant increase in agricultural establishments associated with cooperative relations between 2006 and 2017. In addition, while 15.75% of certified organic production units are associated with cooperatives, in non-certified units this index reaches only 5.33%. Considering the potential of cooperativism as a mode of social organization, state actions and public policies could benefit from this organizational capacity to make it more effective to overcome the multiple needs of this category.Downloads
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