Factors that motivate association in a credit cooperative
Consumer behavior, Association in cooperatives, credit cooperatives, Factor analysisAbstract
The objective of this study is to identify the factors that motivate the association in credit unions in Brazil. Externally, credit unions have many similarities with banks, however, there are a number of characteristics of their organizational nature that differentiate them from banking financial institutions. Among them, there is the figure of the cooperative member, a differentiated "consumer", who simultaneously assumes the role of owner and user of the services provided by the cooperative. For the development of the research, 415 questionnaires were applied to cooperatives members of three credit unions. The methods used in the data analysis were exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha measurement. The research identified seven factors that explain 66.68% of the total data variation. The factors and their respective alphas are: Attendance and Reliability (0.943), Price (0.841), Cooperative Differentials (0.846), Convenience (0.856), Relative Advantages (0.862), Social Influences (0.700), Products (0.488).Downloads
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