Exclusive business platform to service the residential condos the state of São Paulo
Good habits. cooperativism, demand, banking products, services.Abstract
The banking market is constantly solid, and among the main ones are those involving the sector in Brazil, the recent and the largest spread, the low and the low banking rate, compared with the developed nations. In this scenario, cooperativism becomes the protagonist. Thus, the objective was to make a series of evidences on the implementation of a business platform exclusive to residential condominiums in São Paulo. For this purpose, a case study of a cooperative located in Brasília-DF, which has a business platform for exclusive service to the condominiums, is used methodologically. The strategies for the cooperatives in question and the quantitative employers' category. Based on the discussions, it is observed, in fact, there is a deficit of products, services and service to the condominiums, mainly, as to the lines of credit, and as a result, that a good practice of Brasília is applicable in the state of Sao Paulo.Downloads
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