Social capital and rural development: An empirical study of family agriculture cooperatives in State of Paraná
cooperative, family agriculture, social capitalAbstract
The goal of the present study is to approach the cooperative of the family agriculture as an agent generator of social capital by means of data collection in cooperatives affiliated with Central Cooperatives of UNICAFES of the State of Paraná. It was explored the theoretical references of cooperatives, family agriculture and social capita. At the methodological aspects of research, it was worked with application and questionnaire analysis and interviews with managers of 13 unions whose sampling represented the 5 (five) branch activities of cooperatives, which are milk, production, marketing, installment sales and Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER). In addition, it was investigated relevant secondary data that could cross the obtained information. According to conceptual bases, cooperatives could not be considered agent generator of capital, both from the perspective of management as in perspective of the information obtained from IBGE, internet and others. It is expected that the data obtained can help new studies, as well as provide information to cooperatives so they can understand the meaning of the cooperative principles.Downloads
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- 2022-05-30 (2)
- 2018-01-12 (1)
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