Case Study in an Organization of Agricultural Inputs: Diagnosis and Proposals for Improvements in People Management Actions


  • Ana Claudia da Rosa
  • Jeferson Rodrigo Andres
  • Marcia Zampieri Grohmann



Agribusiness, people management, improvement proposals.


The present article aimed to make a diagnosis and propose improvements in the actions of people management (recruitment and selection, analysis and description of positions, training, hygiene and safety at work) in an organization of agricultural inputs located in the city of São Gabriel, state of Rio Grande do Sul. For this, a qualitative and descriptive research was carried out, through a case study. The diagnosis was based on the theoretical reference to evaluate the points referring to the area of people management. Several positive aspects were visualized during the diagnosis, however improvements were also evidenced. The organization is expected to use the proposed improvement suggestions, and it is possible to improve its people management processes. In addition, it is also expected that the research can serve as a basis for the diagnosis and implementation of improvements in the management of other agribusiness organizations, which contribute significantly to the development of Brazil.


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How to Cite

Rosa, A. C. da, Andres, J. R., & Grohmann, M. Z. (2018). Case Study in an Organization of Agricultural Inputs: Diagnosis and Proposals for Improvements in People Management Actions. Revista De Gestão E Organizações Cooperativas, 5(9), 01–12.