Reviewing the Concept of Coordination Mechanism: Trust as a Coordination Mechanism in the Analysis of Plural Organizational Forms in Agribusiness


  • Wilson Magela Gonçalves UFLA
  • Tania Nunes da Silva



trust, mechanism of coordination, dependencies, interdependencies, governance


The matter of coordination, of allocation of resources and of the organizational forms used for this allocation, has been highlighted as an investigative focus in different sciences and theoretical approaches such as economics, sociology, and Organizational Theory, amongst others. Although models, governance structures and organizational forms have deserved great prominence, the same doesn’t occur with the concept of coordination mechanism, showing the necessity of reviewing and rebuilding of this concept. Trust, considered by many authors as being one of the mechanisms of coordination, has been used as a complementary and integrates form to other approaches. In agribusiness, even though it’s mentioned, few are the works that contemplates them in a more deep way. It has been chosen make this essay as an effort to elucidate the theoretical matters approached. Thus, the goal of this work is reviewing the concept of coordination mechanism. It is concluded that trust attends to the proposals of a coordination mechanism and that it’s necessary the wellidentification of the arenas and coordination mechanisms and the possible combinations of mechanisms in the identification of organizational forms.


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How to Cite

Gonçalves, W. M., & Silva, T. N. da. (2015). Reviewing the Concept of Coordination Mechanism: Trust as a Coordination Mechanism in the Analysis of Plural Organizational Forms in Agribusiness. Revista De Gestão E Organizações Cooperativas, 2(3), 15–26.