About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The mission of the Journal of Management and Cooperative Organizations is to publish empirical research that tests, extends or builds studies aimed at collective organizations that contribute to management practice. To be published in the RGC, a manuscript must bring relevant empirical and theoretical contributions and highlight the significance of those contributions to the field of action. "

Objective: "To contribute to the advancement and dissemination of the scientific knowledge of the Administration through the publication, in electronic and physical medium, of theoretical and empirical essays of national and international origin, aiming to promote the academic debate and to present relevant management practices. applied to organizational reality ".

Peer Review Process

1) Preliminary evaluation by the editor, who examines the adequacy of the work to the editorial line of the journal;

2) Double blind review by ad hoc reviewers to ensure journal credibility and impartiality of review In case of divergent peer reviews, a third review will be made by a new reviewer. Articles submitted to RGC are evaluated by means of a standard instrument according to the following criteria: contribution to the Administration area, originality, scientific rigor, consistent structure, clarity, adequacy of the title to the content of the paper, abstract presents the content of the paper. clarity in the presentation of the objectives, relevance of the theoretical framework, clearly defined method consistent with the objectives of the article, clear and objective presentation of the results, interpretation of the results adequately supported by the theoretical framework, clearly and objectively stated conclusion and based on the results found.

3) The evaluated articles may be: - accepted, - accepted with changes, - resubmitted for evaluation, - rejected. The Journal of Management and Cooperative Organizations accepts only unpublished articles by national or foreign authors, and should not be under review in another publication. Articles may be submitted in Portuguese, English, or Spanish, and the official publication of the journal is in Portuguese. The writing of the text resulting from research, in progress or already completed, of a theoretical or theoretical-empirical character, should present a clear, concise and objective style, highlighting the theoretical-methodological foundation, procedures employed in the research and results achieved. Editorial Standards as part of the submission process: Authors are required to verify compliance of the submission against all of the items listed below:

Submissions that do not meet the standards will be rejected.

1. The texts may be presented in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Articles written in English or Spanish must contain the title, abstract and keywords in the Portuguese language.

2. The texts in Portuguese language must be written according to the article submission standard of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards - ABNT - NBR6022 of May 2003. For the English and Spanish articles they should use the equivalent ISO standard.

Publication Frequency


Open Acess Policy

This journal offers immediate free acces to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowlege avaiable to the public free of charge provides greater world democratization of knowledge.


Su´mários.org - Sumários de Revistas Brasileiras

MIAR - Matriz de Información para el Análisis de Revistas

ESJI - Eurasian Scientific Journal Index

Google Scholar / Índice h5

DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals

OJS - Open Journal Systems

LOCKSS - A research-base, open-source software application providing for robust, peer-to-peer digital preservation

Diadorim - Diretório de ´Políticas Editoriais das Revistas Científicas Brasileiras

Latindex - Sistema Regional de Información en línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, El Caribe, Espãna y Portugal

LatinREV - RED latinoamericana de revistas cadémicas en ciencias sociales y humanidades

LivRE - Revistas de livre acesso


  • Politécnico - UFSM

The Journal has well-defined policies in terms of scope and frequency, maintaining a semiannual frequency. RGC has clear policies and guidelines for submission and evaluation of articles published on its website.