Aplicativo para pós-processamento de Imagens em Tomografia Computadorizada
Aplicativo para pós-processamento de Imagens em Tomografia Computadorizada
Multidetector computed tomography, Mobile apps, Computer-aided image processingAbstract
Objectives: Develop and validate an application that supports medical professionals in the post-processing of tomographic images. Material and methods: Before building the application, a literature review of articles
published from 2016 to 2021 was carried out in the Health Sciences databases (SciELO) Scientific Electronic Library Online, (LILACS) Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences and (MEDLINE) National Library of
Medicine-USA. Application validation was performed by 25 professionals (radiologists and radiology technologists). The Delphi technique was used for data analysis. The Content Validity Index and Cronbach’s Alpha were adopted. Results: The judges considered the content of the application between adequate and totally adequate in the first evaluation. The mean of Cronbach’s Alpha test was 0.9614, which means excellent internal consistency. The Content Validity Index was 1,000. Conclusion: The post-processing
application of computed tomography images was developed and validated.
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