Knowledge, attitudes and practices of pre-natalist professionals for gestational syphilis management
Syphilis, Prenatal care, Health knowledge, practices and attitudesAbstract
This study aimed to identify the knowledge, attitudes and practices of prenatal care professionals, who work in in basic health units of the Unified Health System, in relation to the actions recommended by the Ministry of Health to control gestational syphilis in a medium-sized municipality of Southern Brazil. It is a quantitative cross-sectional study carried out in October 2019, with 50 professionals, through a self-administered structured questionnaire. The analysis was performed using descriptive and inferential statistics with a chi-square test. Of the study participants, 32% were doctors and 68% nurses, who have worked mainly for more than 10 years in the service. It was observed that 92% reported knowing the Ministry of Health manual, although less than half had read it in full. Most participated in training and have an understanding of the service dynamics. The main difficulties refer to the management of syphilis in the service, the late start of prenatal care being the main one. 76% of respondents suggest educational work as a strategy to reduce cases. Professionals with more time since graduation (p <0.01) and those who reported having received training on the management of syphilis during pregnancy (p <0.007) know better the situation of congenital syphilis in the municipality. Long-term graduates are more familiar with the theoretical part of the protocols, the approach and the correct choice of treatment. It is concluded that the knowledge, practices and attitudes are satisfactory with emphasis on attitudes, since the professionals have adequate management to control the infection by gestational syphilis.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Mariany Nunes Arruda, Eleine Maestri, Anelise Viapiana Masiero, Bruna Fernanda Bruna Fernanda da Silva

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