Sleep quality of health professionals in the new coronavirus pandemic: integrative review
Sleep, Health personnel, Occupational Health, Covid-19Abstract
Objective: to identify the scientific evidence about the sleep quality of health professionals during the Covid-19 pandemic. Method: this is an integrative literature review. The search for articles took place in September 2021, in the following databases: Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences, Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (via US National Library of Medicine) and SciVerse Scopus. The descriptors “health personnel”, sleep, “covid-19” and their synonyms were combined by Boolean operators. Results: of the 27 studies analyzed, cross-sectional studies prevailed (66.6%), with health professionals in general (55.5%), carried out in 2021 (55.5%), in China (44.4%). It was evidenced in several studies, poor general quality of sleep of professionals, as well as the presence of sleep disorders. Sleep quality was associated with work stress, lower perception of physical health, quality of life, social support, psychological factors and fatigue. The studies also pointed out alternative strategies to medicalization, such as diaphragmatic respiratory relaxation training, cognitive behavioral therapy, adequate resting place, psychological support, improved diet, physical activity and promotion of a positive and welcoming environment for professionals. Final considerations: health professionals who worked during the Covid-19 pandemic presented poor general sleep quality, sleep disorders and, consequently, are vulnerable to other damages to their health. The different non-pharmacological interventions were effective in improving the sleep quality of professionals.
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