Educational technologies developed to promote the health of newborns: integrative review
Educational technology, Health promotion, Child care, Newborn, ReviewAbstract
This study aims to identify educational technologies built to promote the health of newborns. This is an integrative review carried out in August and September 2019, guided by the question: what scientific educational materials have been produced so far to promote the health of newborns? The MEDLINE, CINAHL, Web of Science, BDENF, LILACS databases and the SciELO virtual library were used, from the Medical Subject Heading descriptors: Educational Technology; Infant, Newborn; Health Promotion. Six articles made up the sample. The results were categorized into four thematic cores: Description of educational materials, Target audience of educational technologies, Validation process and Results found after using educational technologies. It is observed, therefore, that articles in the area of educational technology for the promotion of health in newborns do not explore normality patterns of the anatomophysiological characteristics of these, as well as some relevant care from family members, requiring better targeting of other studies to improve the educational practices.
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