Infections by malassezia: new approachs
Malassezia, Tinea versicolor, Taxonomic classification.Abstract
The genus Malassezia comprises lipophylic and lipodependent species that recently were reclassified with the description of four new species: M. globosa, M. obtuse, M. slooffiae and M. restricta. The species previously described are M. furfur, M. pachydermatis and M. sympodialis. These yeasts are associated to pathologies that include tinea versicolor, seborrheic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, fungemias, among others. These diseases were previously thought to be caused exclusively by the species M. furfur. The taxonomical changes observed for the Malassezia species has led to the reassessment of the laboratory methodologies which were formerly used for the identification of the etiologic agent. Morphologic and physiologic variations for each species, termo-tolerance, the requirement for certain long-chain fatty acid sources, as well the composition and characteristics of their DNA are among themDownloads
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