Clinical and epidemiological profile of users of specialized stomatherapy service with amputation by diabetic neuropathy
Diabetes Melittus, Diabetic Neuropathies, Comfrey, Health Profile.Abstract
OBJECTIVE: To characterize the clinical and epidemiological profile of people with amputation due to diabetic neuropathy, users of an outpatient nursing service in stomatherapy. METHODS: Quantitative descriptive study, carried out in a stoma therapy outpatient clinic of a public hospital in northeastern Brazil. Users participating in a clinical trial were included, whose data were collected between August 2017 and March 2018, through interviews with a structured form and physical examination. The data were tabulated in the Microsoft Excel for Windows® 2016 program and imported into the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) version 25.0 software, where descriptive analysis and Student’s t test were performed to verify the association between the groups. The results were presented in tables and discussed in support of scientific evidence. RESULTS: Of the 19 individuals included, 63.1% were male, with an average of 67.5 years of age, white, married, retired and with incomplete high school. All of them had comorbidities to diabetes, especially chronic non-communicable diseases, especially hypertension (31.5%) and stroke (21%). In the interview, 73.6% reported the daily consumption of vegetable oil, olive oil and 10 grams of salt. In contrast, fruits, vegetables, meat and fish were widely cited. The physical examination showed that 63.1% of users were overweight and obese and 57.8% had preserved sensitivity for the left lower limb and compromised sensitivity in the right lower limb. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The clinical and sociodemographic profile of users with amputation due to diabetic neuropathy showed, in their majority, men over 60 years of age, retired, married, with income from a salary and incomplete high school. The lifestyle of these people is likely to improve and their health status was regular.
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