Musculoskeletal Symptoms In Nursing Professionals Of A Public Hospital
Occupational Health, Public Health, Nursing TeamAbstract
Introduction: Nursing is a wearing profession, causing physical and mental damages, which can make the worker sick and, in Brazil, makes up an expressive number of professionals. Objective: to identify musculoskeletal symptoms, their frequency and interference in nursing professionals of a high complexity public hospital. Methods: This is an observational study with 37 nursing technicians who answered a semi-structured questionnaire and the Nordic Osteomuscular Symptom Questionnaire (QNSO). Descriptive statistics and correlation indexes were used for data analysis. Results: The nursing professionals investigated were young adults, working in the morning (56.7%), women (59.5%), in a stable union (51.3%), whites (54%), Catholics 1%) and with technical schooling (56.7%). According to the results of the QNSO in relation to the last 12 months, 97.3% presented some pain, discomfort or numbness as complaint and 67.5% in the last seven days being the most cited regions the lower and upper back. There was no correlation between the age and the intensity of the symptoms evaluated. Conclusion: The prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms was high both in the last year and in the last week, with the upper and lower regions of the back standing out. Complaints do not limit the performance of daily activities, but interfere in the search for resolution of these and frequent symptoms have been shown.Downloads
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