Autonomy of the elderly: decisional capacity assessment scale
Autonomy, Elderly, GerontologyAbstract
The objective of this paper was to create and validate an instrument capable of assisting in actions related to interdiction, allowing for a uniform evaluation among cases. For this purpose, a construct with 30 questions was developed and subjected to expert evaluation. Thus, the ESCADE - Decisional Capacity Assessment Scale was created, with 18 final questions, adequate reliability and validity and Cronbach’s alpha of 0.814, being divided into four domains: daily activity, financial management, self-management and well-being. It is concluded, therefore, that this is an auxiliary questionnaire seeking to instrumentalize the judicial analysis with pertinence and effectiveness for this task, and it is also important to highlight the feasibility of identifying, through the presented domains, the area of greatest difficulty presented by a possible interdiction, which may lead to its use for supported decision-making as well.Downloads
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