Reflections on the use of games in Arts teaching by the artist, player, teacher, and student
artes, videogames, autobiografia, ensino-aprendizagemAbstract
The present article presents reflections on perspectives of the use of digital games in Arts teaching. This research explores experiences where the roles of artist, player, teacher, and student converge. The text presents a personal report about processes, possibilities, and challenges for the teacher who applies games for the teaching-learning of Visual Arts. In this context, authors who are references in the following perspectives are approached: The creative possibilities of gameart from Lúcia Leão (2005), Suzete Venturelli and Mario Maciel (2007); the relevance and presence of games in culture from Johan Huizinga (2013); the possibilities of digital games in teaching from Lynn Alves (2008) and Jaderson Souza (2016); the current immersion and interactivity in digital games from Oliver Grau (2007), Gustavo Audi (2016), Alexandre Carrieri and Pablo Gobira (2012); Stuart Hall (1997), Zygmunt Bauman (2003), and Vilém Flusser (1963) in order to discuss the contact with others. Furthermore, Christus Nóbrega et al. (2011) are presented, to approach experiences and problematizations on teaching Visual Arts with digital games.
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