The educational dimension of artistic and cultural mediation: the construction of knowledge through appreciation in the presence of the work


  • Maria Regina Johann
  • Luciara Judite Bernardi Roratto



Art, Visual culture, Mediation, See/look education, Artistic appreciation, Aesthetic experience, Knowledge


The educative dimension of the cultural and artistic mediation is the main focus of this article, built from the research “Aesthetic Mediation: the building of knowledge through the appreciation in the presence of the work”, which happens in a practice-theoretical way in the Java Bonamigo exhibition Room of the Visual Arts course of Unijuí University. Questions as the see/look education, the art‟s sensitive and cognizant knowledge, such as the proponent dimension of the mediation task are approached by this text. We present concepts on Mediation and also highlight that it can be understood as an intentional action created to inter-relate, approach, make possible, clarify, conduct and inform about arts and culture, amplifying the meaning about the work.


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Author Biographies

Maria Regina Johann

Professora do curso de Artes Visuais Licenciatura & Bacharelado da Unijuí

Luciara Judite Bernardi Roratto

Acadêmica do curso de licenciatura em Artes Visuais da Unijuí


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How to Cite

Johann, M. R., & Roratto, L. J. B. (2011). The educational dimension of artistic and cultural mediation: the construction of knowledge through appreciation in the presence of the work. Revista Digital Do LAV, (7), 001–012.