Marajoara art in visual learning
Marajoarian art, Art/education, Art teaching methodologyAbstract
This paper presents a pedagogical approach to the topic Marajoarian Ceramics in Art Education. This study is based on the use of ceramics in the school environment. The aim of this paper is to introduce teaching and learning strategies in Art, making use of Marajoarian Art in the classroom, to be used with the intermediation of the teacher. Thus, we intend to present the teaching experience, making use of the art of Amazonian ceramics in the Municipal School Maria Valdionice Pereira, in the city of Carutapera-MA. This work reveals the synchrony between the areas of archaeological research concerned with sharing scientific knowledge with society. Moreover, it may be an auxiliary instrument for schools in methodologically demonstrating that museum collections are important documents, revealing information and, therefore, being a valuable and useful asset to society.Downloads
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